Yearly archives: 2016

The Titan Joins The Gods

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali is dead.

At 74.

I remember him boxing. I remember Howard Cosell.

From the New York Times:

Muhammad Ali, the three-time world heavyweight boxing champion who helped define his turbulent times as the most charismatic and controversial sports figure of the 20th century, died on Friday. He was 74.

His death was confirmed by Bob Gunnell, a family spokesman.

Ali was the most thrilling if not the best heavyweight ever, carrying into the ring a physically lyrical, unorthodox boxing style that fused speed, agility and power more seamlessly than that of any fighter before him.

But he was more than the sum of his athletic gifts. An agile mind, a buoyant personality, a brash self-confidence and an evolving set of personal convictions fostered a magnetism that the ring alone could not contain. He entertained as much with his mouth as with his fists, narrating his life with a patter of inventive doggerel. (“Me! Wheeeeee!”)

And Peace be upon him.

Donald Trump Wants To Be Your Latex Salesman (Video)

There is so much wrong with Donald Trump.

So. Very. Much.

Today, he pointed out a black rally attendee and said, “Look at my African American!”

There is so much wrong with Donald Trump.

Tonight, I could only think of George Costanza…

But, George is fictional. The Donald is not.


America Opens Its Arms To Our Transgender Brothers And Sisters

Did you ever think it would happen in this country?

I have to admit that I’m not sure I’m there yet.

As a gay man, I’m still becoming comfortable with the notion of transgender men and women. I’m still learning.

Amazed, though, at how quickly America has embraced transgender men and women. In spite of the bathroom laws and the hysteria from the right.

And the cool, compassionate, adult-in-the-room Barack Obama.

Were you as amazed as I to see this?


We’ve come so far as a country the past 7+ years.

As Barack Obama “evolved” on LGBTQ issues–and as some of us lost our patience entirely with him, given his remarkable history on such issues when he was in Springfield, Illinois–as he evolved, we evolved too.

But he led. And continues to lead.

America, hats off to you.

Hats off to you, Mr. President.

A New Direction For Turning Left

Readers no doubt have noticed that I haven’t been posting much over the past several months.

Heck, over the past few years.

Turning Left is always in the back of my mind, but I really didn’t know what to do. What to write.

I didn’t want to be that snarky guy any more who just wrote for the sake of writing, that guy who just made fun of people, or went on rants.

I wanted to be more substantive than that.

I was so angry at times during the Bush years. Many of us were. But to look for people at which I could be angry, or to just be that angry guy during the Obama years, well, that didn’t make much sense.

And I was not always pleased with President Obama.

But, for the most part, I was.

I am.

So what to do with this blog, which has awesome page rank on Google despite the fact that I rarely touch it?

Found my solution today.

We need a new direction.

No, not right. Or center.

Let’s take direction as focus.

We need a new focus. A new plan.

And here it is…

We don’t want to become the anti-Fox News blog. We don’t want to become the anti-conservative blog.

We don’t want to discriminate against people because of who they are.

But we will be critical about people because of what they do.

That will be our new focus.

We will still laugh. We will still likely be snarky at times.

But we can’t be self-righteous. We can’t ignore our own faults.

But we can write.

We invite you to join us for the ride. Please visit often, enjoy, and, please, feel free to share our posts.

We have something to say that needs to be said.

We have words that need to be heard.

We are Turning Left

Trump’s Twits on Twitter Appear To Be Bought

So, perhaps, you were amazed at all of these people on Twitter attacking those who dare to attack their “Donald.”

Guess again.

One analyst has taken a look, and then several more looks, at who these “Defenders of the Donald” might be.

And, it appears, they might all be fake.

Fake Twitter accounts created, bought, to attempt to fool us all.

Check out

The speculation about the phoniness of the Trump Twitter army began with a post by Erick Erickson in The Resurgent, and he bases his conjecture on three main points:

  • There are professional Internet trolls who have the specific purpose of inciting chaos in the U.S. through social media, such as spreading a hoax Ebola case in Atlanta as well as a hoax story of cops shooting an unarmed black woman. Most of them were shut down, but the ones that are still active are supporting Trump.
  • Numerous reports suggest that Trump bought crowd members for his campaign launch in June.
  • An organization called Crowds on Demand has protesters for sale to appear at various events and harass people on social media.

And then there’s more.

Go here for the complete story.

Watch: Groups Applaud Delaware Gov. Markell for Personal Message on Recent Wave of Anti-transgender Legislation

Today, in response to a wave of anti-transgender legislation in several states around the country, Delaware Gov. Jack Markell (D) released a personal, detailed video message standing up for transgender equality and combatting the misinformation and scare tactics that proponents of these discriminatory bills use. Gov. Markell—who is the only sitting governor to have signed laws that enforce both sexual orientation and gender identity protections in employment, housing, and public accommodations—is uniquely positioned to address the mean-spirited attempts that seek to undermine lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, or LGBT, nondiscrimination laws and require discrimination against the transgender community.

Equality Delaware, the Center for American Progress, and the National Center for Transgender Equality applaud Gov. Markell for his continued leadership on behalf of transgender people and their families. In response to Gov. Markell’s video message, those organizations released the following statements:

Lisa Goodman, president of Equality Delaware, said, “Gov. Markell has consistently stood on the side of fairness and equality and today is no different. Proponents of H.B. 2 rushed their bill through the North Carolina legislature in a matter of hours because they knew that when the public has the time to learn about trans people, they respond with affirmation and support. By speaking as a governor who has worked on trans issues, and as someone who cares about transgender people in his own life, Gov. Markell has helped insert into the national conversation the compassion and facts that are missing in the actions and statements made by opponents of equality.”

Laura E. Durso, Director of the LGBT Research and Communications Project at the Center for American Progress, said, “As the LGBT community, and transgender people in particular, continue to face an unprecedented number of discriminatory state bills, it remains imperative for those of us living in states and communities with protections to stand up and speak out against hate or discrimination wherever it occurs. Gov. Markell’s video message may be one of the most personal and detailed trans-specific statements ever made by an elected official of his stature. We thank him for helping to educate the public on trans equality and urge other elected officials to follow suit and make clear to the transgender community that there are leaders around the country fighting for them.”

Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, said, “It is so important for elected officials like Gov. Markell to vocally and consistently support transgender people and to do their part to educate the rest of the public on who transgender people are. Gov. Markell has always demonstrated solid leadership, including three years ago when he signed wide-ranging protections for all transgender Delawareans into law.”


Trump Rally: “Make America White Again”

make America white again Donald Trump supporters

Donald Trump supporters sport “Make America White Again” slogan.

Supporters for Donald Drumpf, a.k.a. Trump.

In 2016.


In 2016.

Trump Says He Cancelled Chicago UIC Rally Because Of “Safety Concerns”

Donald Trump says he cancelled the planned rally at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago because of security concerns.

Don’t you believe it.

Trump cancelled the rally for his campaign. His ego.

Do you really think the man who encouraged violence at his rallies would call off one of the potentially most violent rallies yet?

Not a chance. His narcissism would not allow it.

The Chicago PD ostensibly gets the credit making the call on this one.

First, Trump said this:

“Chicago is the home of some very, very bad rallies,” Trump said. “You know that, OK? All you have to do is look back at the conventions that they had in Chicago, and one in particular, as you know, where tremendous numbers of people were hurt, and I believe, killed. And I don’t want to see anything like that happen.

“So I made a decision. Now I spoke with law enforcement and made it in conjunction with law enforcement, and I think we made a wise decision.”

Then, he said this:

Later in an interview on CNN, Trump said police advised against holding the rally. The pavilion, with a seating capacity of about 7,000 people was about three-quarters full during the rally, with a few hundred more people on the floor.

But the Chicago PD says this:

A spokesman for the Chicago Police Department says the agency never recommended that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump cancel his campaign rally in the city.

CPD spokesman Anthony Guglielmi tells The Associated Press that the department never told the Trump campaign there was a security threat at the University of Illinois at Chicago venue. He said the department had sufficient manpower on the scene to handle any situation.

Trump’s first reflex is to lie horribly.

Hats off to the well-organized protesters, inside and outside the UIC Pavilion.


University Park: Here’s Your Board Agenda … From 2015

So I thought I would take a look at the website from University Park, IL. People have been commenting for quite some time what a mess it is in that town.

University Park is about 30 miles directly south of Chicago’s Loop. For those of you unfamiliar, the town seems to have had a viciously divided board for some time now.

Decided to see what their online presence was like.

They have a decent-looking website. Check it out here:

Hover over the word “Government” in the top menu, then go down to “Board of Trustee’s Agenda.

Click on that. Go ahead.

As of this writing, that click takes you here, to the board’s agenda from (wait for it) July 28, 2015:

University Park: keeping the past alive.

John Oliver On Donald J. Drumpf, a.k.a. Trump: No Kidding, Watch This #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain

This is an amazingly honest assessment of Donald J. Trump, a.k.a. Drumpf (no kidding). This is important political commentary.

What is Drumpf’s true net worth? The answer may surprise you. Even shock you.

You must, must watch this video.

And you will learn that Trump’s real, ancestral name was “Drumpf.”

No kidding. No kidding at all.

And thank you to John Oliver!

Want more information? Try here!

You can also pick up a Chrome extension from that site that will change Donald Trump’s name to Donald J. Drumpf on every website you visit.