We must tread lightly regarding family members of candidates. Still, when anyone takes radical positions, preaches endlessly and with great sanctimony, well, that candidate merits closer attention – especially if that candidate wants to be President of the United States.
Frankly, I am in shock as I write this.
Rick Santorum’s wife had a second-term abortion to save her life, so reports oursilverribbon.org:
Rick Santorum is one dangerously confused denialist. The former Pennsylvania Senator and presidential aspirant is best known for his inability to associate his professed compassion for life at the level of the zygote, with the physical realities of human sexuality. He has equated loving same-sex relationships to bestiality. He is opposed to abortion under any circumstance. Almost.
In October, 1996, his wife Karen had a second trimester abortion. They don’t like to describe it that way. In his 2004 interview with Terry Gross, Santorum characterizes the fetus, who must be treated as an autonomous person, as a practically a gunslinging threat, whom the mother must murder in self-defense. Karen has had to justify her decision to save her own life by explaining that if she died her other children would have lost a mother.
The compassionate side of me says this is an incredibly private family issue. However, the Santorums have already discussed this publicly.
Read for yourself and decide: http://oursilverribbon.org
There are differences between an Intact Dilation and Extraction abortion where the scissors go in the head, inducing labor with a goal of ending the pregnancy and a septic spontaneous abortion that resulted from an infection caused by an operation to correct a fatal birth defect. When even Solon disagrees with your rhetoric, you might want to check for facts. Perhaps you will want to call for the release of Karen Santorum’s medical record if you deem Santorum’s 1997 Philly INQUIRER account in the second link to be less than trustworthy? http://www.salon.com/2012/01/06/karen_santorum_did_not_have_an_abortion/