Category: Humor

Donald Trump Wants To Be Your Latex Salesman (Video)

There is so much wrong with Donald Trump.

So. Very. Much.

Today, he pointed out a black rally attendee and said, “Look at my African American!”

There is so much wrong with Donald Trump.

Tonight, I could only think of George Costanza…

But, George is fictional. The Donald is not.


John Oliver On Donald J. Drumpf, a.k.a. Trump: No Kidding, Watch This #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain

This is an amazingly honest assessment of Donald J. Trump, a.k.a. Drumpf (no kidding). This is important political commentary.

What is Drumpf’s true net worth? The answer may surprise you. Even shock you.

You must, must watch this video.

And you will learn that Trump’s real, ancestral name was “Drumpf.”

No kidding. No kidding at all.

And thank you to John Oliver!

Want more information? Try here!

You can also pick up a Chrome extension from that site that will change Donald Trump’s name to Donald J. Drumpf on every website you visit.

Donald Trump Wants To Bang His Daughter (Video)

Yes, that’s essentially it.

Take a look at this clip featuring Trevor Noah at The Daily Show. Trump is exceptionally creepy:

Stephen Colbert Nails Donald Trump

Worth every second.

Watch: In Honor of the GOP Presidential Candidates

A bit of levity as the GOP candidates for President continue to roll out.

Stephen Colbert Calls Bill O’Reilly a “F***ing egomaniac,” as only #Colbert Can

Stephen Colbert takes Bill O’Reilly to school, calls him a "f*****g egomaniac."

As only Stephen can.

Watch: Kill Bill and Everyone Else: Spoofing ISIS

From Abby Zimet, staff writer at Common Dreams:

Arguing that "belittlement is your enemy’s greatest fear," several Muslim activists have taken on the risky strategy of using satire as a weapon against the supremely unfunny atrocities of ISIS. Taking to the same social media platforms that ISIS uses to recruit and propaganidize, their campaigns range from mock ISIS Movies – The Hills Have Alis, ISIS Doubtfire, My Best Friend’s 11-Year-Old Daughter’s Wedding, Crouching Caliph Hidden Sheikh, Monsters Inc, No Country for Old Men, Or Young Men, Or Women and Children – and TV shows – Everybody loves Abu Bakr Baghdadi, How I Behead Your Mother – to ads, videos and entire Onion-like news stories.


Video: Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis: Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber and Zach Galifianakis.




Video: Mitt Romney – Gangnam Style

Well, somebody went there.

We’re just passing it along.

Heeeeeeeey Wealthy Ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Video: Rich Kids For Romney

I think I’m going to start posting this kind of stuff over here again over here at Turning Left through the November election. After that, well, we’ll just have fun again.