Worth every second.
Stephen Colbert Calls Bill O’Reilly a “F***ing egomaniac,” as only #Colbert Can
Stephen Colbert takes Bill O’Reilly to school, calls him a "f*****g egomaniac."
As only Stephen can.
Enjoy Glee: Season 3, Episode 8, “Hold On To Sixteen” (VIDEO)
Enjoy Glee: Season 3, Episode 8, “Hold On To Sixteen.”
Sarah Palin Burped Last Week, And CNN Was There

Why does the media flock around a failed pol? I really don’t get it at all. I can see Fox News or Glenn Beck, but CNN?
CNN has officially become the media’s official gossip station.
Some recent news flash items from CNN. Sorry, I removed the links back to CNN. It’s not worth the trip. Really.
Here they are:
McCain compares Palin to Reagan
Rove calls Palin move ‘smart’
Palin delivers a gaffe-filled message
Palin hits back at Barbara Bush
Obama doesn’t think about Palin
Palin kicks off book tour amid fresh speculation of a White House bid
If Palin runs for president, should she agree to Couric interview?
Obama doesn’t think about Palin? Oh no! Will Palin sit down with Katie Couric for another winning interview? Will she pardon a turkey?
Years ago, when I was a child, CNN used to do news.
I remember.
Justin Bieber Latest Target of Flamingly Anti-Gay Westboro Baptist Church
The 16-year-old Canadian pop star, who teenagers either undyingly love or massively loathe, has been singled out for protest by the notorious Westboro Baptist Church, just like his top-charting rival Lady Gaga.
When Bieber plays the Sprint Center on Wednesday night in Kansas City, fans can expect to see Westboro church members holding signs and issuing taunts. The church is known for picketing the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan with signs reading "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "God Hates Fags" — because they believe that as long as America countenances sin, American soldiers deserve to die.
Earlier this month, they protested at Lady Gaga concerts in St. Louis and Oklahoma City. They plan to picket her again at her Kansas City concert on Aug. 3.
The group certainly gets around. A few days after their Gaga gig in St. Louis, they picketed Al Gore and the hugely popular Comic-Con convention, both in San Diego. At the latter, they were greeted by an array of unique protesters — "robots," magical anime girls, Trekkies, Jedi and even kittens. The comic book hero wannabes chanted at Westboro: "What do we want? Gay sex. When do we want it? Now!"
Neither Bieber nor his fans are a genuine threat to humanity — not to anyone’s knowledge, anyway. But Westboro strongly disagrees. Church members say they are picketing the pop star "to remind all of those in attendance that America’s destruction is imminent!"
They add via their website, "There are no jobs, homes, money or hope, but you’ll pay big bucks to attend rock concerts by the thousands."
I’ve only heard Justin Bieber perform one song, unless he did more than one the night he hosted Saturday Night Live. Sounds good, not a lot of depth, but then, he’s only 16. I have no idea what his nascent political views are.
I don’t know a single song Lady Gaga sings. Unless I don’t know that I know.
Still, no one deserves Fred Phelps and his church of loons. They are vicious.
Rod Blagojevich’s $400,000 Closet
I haven’t written much about the trial of Rod Blagojevich. Court proceedings bore me, and we always learn far too much about the alleged offender than we ever wanted to know.
A $5,000 Oxxford suit, $1,400 spent on Geneva Custom Shirts, $63 in Hanro underwear and $214 in ties — and it was all bought in a matter of days.
The Blagojevich household spent more on fine clothing than on their mortgage, child care, travel or private schools in the years that Rod Blagojevich served as governor, testimony at his trial today showed.
Jurors in the ex-governor’s trial were shown credit card bill after credit card bill where Rod Blagojevich dropped hundreds of dollars at a time on ties at Saks Fifth Avenue and thousands of dollars on high-end, custom Oxxford suits, not to mention pricey Allen Edmonds footwear.
The grand total from 2002-2008: more than $400,000 on clothes.
Several thousand dollars was spent in November of 2003 on Maximilian Furs.
The line of the day belongs to Blago’s brother, Rob:
On his way out of court, Rod’s brother, Robert, who is also on trial, stopped and smiled.
“For the record, I buy my ties on sale,” he said.
That does it for me. In addition to other categories, I am now filing the Trial of Rod Blagojevich under “Entertainment.”
Free Outdoor Shakespeare This Weekend in Park Forest
From the Illinois Theater Center:
The Illinois Theatre Center, with the sponsorship of the Village of Park Forest, will present William Shakespeare’s ROMEO AND JULIET for three free outdoor performances, June 25, 26 and 27 on the Village Green stage in Downtown Park Forest.
This classic tragedy of “starcrossed lovers” has been called “the world’s best loved play.” It is certainly one of Shakespeare’s most performed works. The lines spoken by the title characters are among the most exquisite words of love ever spoken. The play’s eternal popularity has inspired several film adaptations, as well as the serving as the basis for the hit Broadway musical and Oscar winning movie WEST SIDE STORY.
Featured in the ITC cast are Byron Mitchell, Jessica Wilson, Chandler Lowe, Christopher Underwood, Justin Longnecker, Tracy Shaw, Bria Shaw, Rebekah Haynes, Andrew Wlos, Kyle Brown, Joe Gaudio, John Bird, Colin Kirchner, Bradfield Donaldson, Matthew David, Albert Clark and Ernest Ray. The play is directed by Etel Billig with stage combat sequences directed by Ernest Ray.
Performances are Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 25, 26 &27 at 7:30 PM. The Village Green is located in the center of Downtown Park Forest, at Main Street and Cunningham Drive. Audiences are encouraged to come early and bring blankets and picnic supers. In the event of inclement weather, the performance will move indoors to the Illinois Theatre Center, directly adjacent to the Village Green. For more information, call 708-481-3510.
These performances are always awesome.
RNC Spent Nearly $2000 At Club With Topless Women Imitating Lesbian Sex
Yes, you read that headline correctly, and, as of this writing, Michael Steele is still employed by the Republican National Committee. Michael Steele and the RNC submitted filings to the FEC indicating that huge amounts of conservative RNC-donor dollars went for wild GOP planning meetings in front of topless women at a bondage-themed nightclub.
Double Yoy!
While Steele has not purchased a plane, he continues to charter them. According to federal disclosure records, the RNC spent $17,514 on private aircraft in the month of February alone (as well as $12,691 on limousines during the same period). There are no readily identifiable private plane expenses for Democratic National Committee chairman Tim Kaine in the DNC’s last three months of filings.
The RNC explains that Steele charters jets only when commercial service is unavailable, or when his tight schedule requires it. “Anytime the chairman has taken any private travel has been a either to a route that doesn’t exist or because of connections and multiple travel to where he just wasn’t able to do so,” Heye said. Yet Steele’s office repeatedly refused to explain in specific terms the circumstances of the February charter flights.
Once on the ground, FEC filings suggest, Steele travels in style. A February RNC trip to California, for example, included a $9,099 stop at the Beverly Hills Hotel, $6,596 dropped at the nearby Four Seasons, and $1,620.71 spent [update: the amount is actually $1,946.25] at Voyeur West Hollywood, a bondage-themed nightclub featuring topless women dancers imitating lesbian sex.
That’ll keep your trunk up.
Talk about Conservatives Gone Wild.
Strange Russian Song Garry Meier Played On The Air At WGN
Garry Meier played this bizarre Russian song on the air at WGN Radio 720 this week. WGN says, "We can’t quite figure out the lyrics, but then again, there don’t seem to be any."
I would agree. I don’t hear any Russian words at all in the song.
The Russian you see at the beginning is roughly translated, "I am very glad, at last, to return home." I don’t have my Russian dictionary with me. If anyone can do better, please let me know, and I’ll give you credit.
The guy singing looks like he just stepped out of the Lawrence Welk show. That, or he’s a relative of "Smiling Bob" from the Enzyte commercial.
Vampire Weekend – ‘Cousins’ (Official Music Video)
Cousins – another enjoyable piece from Vampire Weekend.
Can’t get enough.
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