Category: Comedy

Trump Tears Into The Sun Over Eclipse: Borowitz

Andy Borowitz, New Yorker
Andy Borowitz, New Yorker

Read Andy Borowitz at The New Yorker.

IF you have not heard of Andy Borowitz, he’s the best satirist, in my estimation, since the legendary Art Buchwald.

Buchwald had Nixon, and more.

Borowitz now has Trump, the Alt-Right, and more.

Borowitz “reports” that Donald Trump is unhappy with the sun and the coverage the sun has received over Monday’s Great American Eclipse.

Here’s a taste:

“The sun thinks the world revolves around it,” Trump said. “Sad.”

Trump said the sun was a “big problem” that his predecessor, Barack Obama, did nothing to solve, but that that situation was about to change.

“It will be handled—we handle everything,” Trump said, adding that a preëmptive military strike on the sun was “very much on the table.”

Read more here.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: The Eyes Have It

Sarah Huckabee Sanders' eyes
Sarah Huckabee Sanders' eyes

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has eyes for you.

A friend suggested this to me, and it creeped me out royally.

Try this.

Above, a picture of Sarah Huckabee Sanders not answering questons. Sarah is the principal deputy press secretary in the Trump White House.

Whatever that is.

The Trump White House, I mean.

What a mess.

But, seriously, try this.

Cover one of Sarah’s eyes in the photo above. Start with the right eye — as you are looking at the photo.

Weird, right?

Now, cover the left eye.


Did you jump in your seat at what you saw?

As my friend says, “One of her eyes looks like she wants to murder you, and the other eye looks like she can’t believe she has to deal with this bullshit every day.”

Had me rolling with laughter.

And then I stopped.

And covered the left eye again.

And quivered where I sat.

Is Donald Trump Talking To Portraits Of Past Presidents Yet?

Crazy Donald Trump

Crazy Donald TrumpAh, Donald.

The Donald.

The Don.


Donnie T.

Crazy Donald.

Are you talking to portraits of past presidents yet?

You know, Richard Nixon did that.

You say you like Andrew Jackson, that the two of you are BFFs.

But you really should get to know Tricky Dicky, the original Richard “I am not a crook” Nixon.

Are you a liar, Donnie T?

As you laze about The Big Oval, or wander the Residence at night in your bathrobe, are you taking time to smell the paintings? Are you spending time talking to Andrew Jackson, or do you just admire him from afar?

James Comey testified today. For how long will your crew insulate you? For how long will the GOP spew out parseltongue, protecting you from yourself?

Were you really that ill prepared, as Speaker Paul Ryan suggests? Are you just too new at all of this? Are we to believe that James Comey is really to blame because he did not tell you that it was inappropriate for you to meet with him alone? Was it really up to Comey to correct you, sir, when you asked AG Jeff Sessions and Jared to leave The Big Oval so you could spend quality time with Mr. Comey?

Is there anything at all for which you will take responsibility?

How long until a new David Frost interviews you, after you’re, you know, out of office?

Is there a contemporary Dan Aykroyd in your future, sir Trump? Will Alec Baldwin be the ultimate closer for you on SNL?

The sooner the better.

Some day, some day soon, this….

Watch: In Honor of the GOP Presidential Candidates

A bit of levity as the GOP candidates for President continue to roll out.

Watch: That Mitchell and Webb Look – Evil Vicar

One of my favourite sketches of all time and what a performance from David Mitchell. More comedy on my channel.

Yes, this is comedy.