One of my favourite sketches of all time and what a performance from David Mitchell. More comedy on my channel.
Yes, this is comedy.
One of my favourite sketches of all time and what a performance from David Mitchell. More comedy on my channel.
Yes, this is comedy.
Juniper Towers is a public housing complex in Park Forest, Illinois. As such, there is a regular staff, and those wishing to enter without a specific destination must adhere to certain standards, letting staff members know they are present.
Because this is public housing, candidates for public office are not permitted to enter and wander aimlessly, moving from floor to floor, door to door.
Turning Left has learned from several reliable sources that one mayoral candidate in Park Forest, Illinois — and a current public official in that town — has been doing precisely that. Mr. JeRome Brown, a second-run mayoral candidate in Park Forest, IL, has been described by sources as entering Juniper Towers, walking floor to floor, going door to door, but only after staff for Juniper Towers have left for the day. Only after hours.
Obviously, Mr. Brown has someone on the inside who is opening the front door for him, or he waits surreptitiously for someone to exit so he can enter.
We have to ask: why not enter when staff is present? Why wait until staff have gone home for the day to begin his surreptitious campaigning?
We have learned, to our amusement, that Mr. Brown raffled off a turkey before Christmas. The winner was the first person who could prove he or she had a voter registration card.
Why give a turkey only to someone already registered to vote? Why raffle a turkey at all, unless he is engaging in an all-out campaign to buy votes.
A few years ago, a mayoral candidate in Brownsville, Pennsylvania, also attempted to buy votes, this time from seniors. This candidate promised, and delivered, a box of chocolates and seven dollars cash — yes, cash — to any senior who promised to vote for him, and he promised to provide them a ride to the polls.
The seniors took the chocolate, pocketed the $7.00 cash, and voted in droves for his opponent.
His opponent won. Handily.
Mr. Brown appears to believe that seniors and other members of public housing in Park Forest, Illinois, are simple, gullible folks, ready to cave and give their votes to someone obviously pandering for their attention, for their votes.
Turning Left must ask, is turkey the only thing of substance Mr. Brown has to offer?
We have learned that a Mr. JeRome Brown is trying to buy Park Forest.
Try this:
We at Turning Left will watch this election cycle. This is among the most tawdry we have found. Ever.
Here, we see Mr. Brown appealing to seniors for something he cannot promise under the laws of Park Forest – jobs. Unless he were to somehow soak the local taxpayers for more, and then create jobs out of thin air.
But even the Meeks of Chicago would object of so foolhardy a use of resources, even for political gain.
Perhaps no.
Listen to a civilian LEAP staffer demolish the War on Drugs.
From our friends at LEAP:
As our successes on Election Day illustrated and last week’s Congressional vote to protect medical marijuana patients from DEA interference further confirmed, more people agree with the need for drug policy reform than ever before.
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition can claim credit for helping to bring about that palpable shift in mindset. Our speakers and staff work incredibly hard to bring our message of legalization, regulation and control to the forefront of the movement to end drug prohibition. We know that the consequences of prohibition are severe and impact real human beings – people like all of us. Our latest installment in LEAP’s ongoing “I LIVE THE DRUG WAR EVERY DAY” series comes from one of our own, LEAP’s Director of Programs and Financial Administration, Bill Fried.
Bill joined the LEAP staff in 2006, after years of involvement in grass roots activism. A product of 1960’s radicalism, Bill never thought he would one day work shoulder to shoulder with police officers, fighting for the legalization, regulation and control of all drugs. His story is one of activism come full circle. To hear Bill’s take on the madness of drug prohibition and why LEAP’s work is so important, please watch this video. Share it with your friends and family. Stand with LEAP and tell us your story. Make a contribution to support our work.
We all live the drug war every day. Please stand with LEAP in our fight to end the drug war. Add your voice to our campaign now.
Thank you,
Major Neill Franklin (Ret.)
Executive Director
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
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