WLS screenshot
A white man in Chicago was charged with three counts of misdemeanor battery after calling a black man a slave, according to Chicago Police — and caught on video.
The assailant, identified as 23-year-old William Boucher, can be heard on the video screaming at an unidentified black man: “Shut up, slave! Do not talk to me!”
Boucher then goes on to compare the man to livestock and suggests that he should be tagged with a bar code with his Social Security number.
“Your children are disposable vermin!” Boucher continues to yell at a second man who is also videotaping him. He then spits on that 30-year-old man as well as a 34-year-old woman, according to police.
The man Boucher spits at, however, is not having any of it and rushes up to Boucher, but is held back by another bystander.
“Get on all fours right now!” Boucher screams. “Get on all fours! Do not walk off on two legs! You don’t deserve to walk on two legs, vermin.”
Boucher is also seen punching down to the ground an older man who was walking toward his direction.
And then this, from ABC 7 Chicago:
As the man starts to leave, he’s approached by what appears to be a homeless man. He throws a single punch and sends him to the ground. Witnesses tackled the man and held him down until help arrives.
Video of the incident below:
What is happening in America?
Always there, just below the surface.
Now, unleashed.