Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) stood up and heckled the President of the United States this evening during the President’s speech to a joint session of Congress. Rep. Joe Wilson tried to turn the speech into a Republican Town Hall scream-fest.
Rep. Joe Wilson’s office number is busy right now. And his website is running incredibly slow. Bombard him with calls and emails: 202.225.2452. Contact him here on his Web site, which, we hope, will bear someone else’s name after
Turning Left’s open letter to Rep. Joe Wilson:
Dear Health Insurance Industry Shill Rep. Wilson:
If one Democrat had EVER heckled a sitting president while he was addressing a joint session of Congress, you BET Democrats themselves would be outraged, as would Republicans.
Your actions tonight were a disgrace to the halls of Congress, and the people of the United States of America.
You owe the President of the United States, each and every member of Congress, and the American People an apology…
… and your resignation.
Rep. Joe Wilson, the new voice of the Republican Party.
Tip of the hat to Shannyn Moore for this:
The Republican, Joe Wilson from South Carolina called the president a liar tonight. Joe Wilson has a challenger in Rob Miller, a Democrat.
I called Mr. Wilson and let him know I felt strong enough about his outburst that I donated to his opponent.
And I’m doing likewise.
Would this have happened if the current president was white? No way, no how. This is about race, pure and simple. Rep. Wilson wanted to put Obama back down in his place.
Representative Wilson spoke for the tens of millions of US Citizens who have no voice in Congress. Mr. Obama is a liar and lives a lie. Who is he? Why does he hide his past, paying millions to prevent us from knowing who he really is? Mr. Obama has no business being President. He said nothing in yesterday’s speach that wasn’t a lie or distortion of the facts. Mr. Obama. It is time someone call him out for what he is-a liar.
Read Shannyn Moore’s facebook entry-Gavin (any twosome) Newsom is her hero along with her loving abortion, homosexual “marriage” and a variety of other perversions. Must admit you are knda a cute, for a lesbian Ellen Degenerate type.
@khesanha126: I approved these comments, but, here’s the thing,…
Shannyn Moore is not a politician, and you will have to answer for your remarks to her or her attorney. You see, the law does not protect us when you attempt to slander someone who is not a politician.
Palin couldn’t do a thing against Moore.
Buy Moore can take legal action against anyone who seeks to defame her. NYTimes v. Sullivan does not apply to Ms. Moore.
Good luck to you, and thanks for visiting Turning Left.