Tag: Terrorism

White Nationalists Are Still Not Dealt With As Terrorists

Charlottesville white nationalists, protests, policeThe warning signs were there in Charlottesville. The Virginia State Police gave warnings to local officials, including a warning that there might be a car attack.

WTOP reports:

According to the preliminary report, Charlottesville officials did not implement many recommendations after the Virginia Fusion Center concluded “that participants were planning to be aggressive/violent,” and despite state analysts’ “concerns of mass casualty event, including (a) car attack.”

Counter-protester Heather Heyer was killed when a car, allegedly driven by white nationalist James Alex Fields, plowed into people opposing the “Unite The Right” march. Fields is charged with second-degree-murder, hit and run, and several counts of malicious wounding.

A woman was killed.

Why was this ideologically-driven attack called terrorism?

Fox News Host: If You’ve Grown A Beard, You May Be A Terrorist (VIDEO)

Well, too bad for Jesus, I guess.

FBI’s Edmonds: Bin Laden Worked for U.S. Until 9/11

What a bombshell.

From The Brad Blog:

During my recent interview with FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds on the Mike Malloy Show, a caller had asked her opinion on whether she believed 9/11 to have been “an inside job.”

Edmonds replied by first specifying “As I have done for the past 7 or 8 years, I have basically stuck with what I know, first-hand, directly, my own knowledge, based on my own experience, based on what I obtained, which is not a lot, but it is extremely important.”

After explaining the difference between what she does and doesn’t know first hand, she went on to explain: “I have information about things that our government has lied to us about. I know. For example, to say that since the fall of the Soviet Union we ceased all of our intimate relationship with Bin Laden and the Taliban – those things can be proven as lies, very easily, based on the information they classified in my case, because we did carry very intimate relationship with these people, and it involves Central Asia, all the way up to September 11.” …

Her complete response, pulled from the lengthy interview (full, commercial-free audio here) has been transcribed by Luke Ryland, perhaps the world’s foremost expert in all things Sibel Edmonds related.

From Luke Ryland on the Daily Kos:

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds dropped a bombshell on the Mike Malloy radio show, guest-hosted by Brad Friedman (audiopartial transcript).

In the interview, Sibel says that the US maintained ‘intimate relations’ with Bin Laden, and the Taliban, “all the way until that day of September 11.”

These ‘intimate relations’ included using Bin Laden for ‘operations’ in Central Asia, including Xinjiang, China. These ‘operations’ involved using al Qaeda and the Taliban in the same manner “as we did during the Afghan and Soviet conflict,” that is, fighting ‘enemies’ via proxies.

Luke’s summary:

The bombshell here is obviously that certain people in the US were using Bin Laden up to September 11, 2001.

It is important to understand why: the US outsourced terror operations to al Qaeda and the Taliban for many years, promoting the Islamization of Central Asia in an attempt to personally profit off military sales as well as oil and gas concessions.

The silence by the US government on these matters is deafening. So, too, is the blowback.

Puts an entirely different spin on Bush ignoring that PDB.

What did George W. Bush know, and when did he know it?