When I first read this in the Trib, I just knew the “suburban mayor” had to be Dwight Welch trying to play cowboy again.
Three suspects were arrested this afternoon after they robbed a bank in south suburban Country Club Hills, officials said.
Three officers from Country Club Hills and Mayor Dwight Welch, who is a state-certified police officer and former sergeant, were joined by officers from neighboring Homewood and Flossmoor to make the arrest in the city’s Provincetown subdivision just south of 183rd Street.
Officials say two of the men robbed the First Midwest Bank at 4101 W. 183rd St. at about 2 p.m., while the third suspect waited in the van, according to a news release.
I really don’t care for Dwight Welch. I don’t care for anyone who engages in patronage government. It’s a big waste of taxpayer dollars, and really only benefits the politician dolling out the dollars or jobs. Dwight Welch certainly knows how to spend money.
But, you have to give credit where credit is due. According to the report, Mayor Welch joined three of his officers and responded to the scene, where they met with the two other officers. The group followed a set of fresh footprints to a nearby townhouse, where they ordered the suspects outside and took them into custody.
I’m glad the police caught the alleged bad guys, and I’m sure Dwight Welch is happy for the good press. Sure beats the State Board of Elections knocking on your door.
This isn’t the first time Welch has tried to steal the spotlight. NBC’s Steve Rhodes asked in September why Welch was trying to become the face of the Chris Kelly’s suicide investigation:
Welch also seems to have watched a few too many episodes of NYPD Blue, eagerly announcing in the early-going of the investigation that Flores-Buhelos had “lawyered up.”
It’s not an unusual term to hear around the federal building in Chicago or the grittier precincts of the city, but probably not a term a Country Club Hills mayor hears that often in real life.
Terry Gillespie is a defense lawyer tasked to represent his client with zeal, but in this case his angry retort that Welch had engaged in “unconscionable grandstanding” rang true.
In the least, Welch has acted carelessly, which is always a good way to endanger a criminal case.
But the criticism lobbed Welch’s way hasn’t slowed him down.
Now he is promising revelations at a press conference today that will leave people following the case both “pleased and a little surprised.”
How anyone could be “pleased” with any new findings is a mystery in itself.
At the time, Rhodes suggested that it was time to push Welch off-stage and let the real authorities “take hold of the case.”
Dwight is jumping into the spotlight again. I simply cannot imagine a situation where a police officer would be happy to have the mayor tagging along for a chase.