Donald Trump flaunts his ignorance.
In Illinois, state representatives used to say that former-now-disgraced Gov. Rod Blagojevich governed by press conference. He would rarely speak with legislators as people, rarely talk policy. Instead, he would talk about legislators to the press, in the press.
He lived for interviews.
Donald Trump governs — if you could call it– that, by insult.
His latest, attacking Dems. All Dems, I guess, everywhere. But focusing on Congress this time.
Democrats don't control Congress. The House voted on two immigration bills in June — neither had majority Republican support.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) July 11, 2018
First, Trump has a penchant to randomly capitalize words. And only he understands why and what he is trying to emphasize.
Here, he says:
Democrats in Congress must no longer Obstruct [sic] – vote to fix our terrible Immigration Laws [sic] now. I am watching what is going on from Europe — it would be soooo simple to fix. Judges run the system and illegals and traffickers know how it works. They are just using children!
Let’s consider how un-presidential this word salad sounds. The New York Whiner hasn’t a clue — or willfully ignores — the facts. Many, many people trying to enter this country are asking for asylum, these “huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
Kyle Griffin of MSNBC’s @TheLastWord captures a portion of Trump’s willful ignorance:
Democrats don’t control Congress. The House voted on two immigration bills in June — neither had majority Republican support.
But, hey, why should math bother this President? Why get bogged down with facts when incendiary charges work so much better.