Yearly archives: 2015

Rinku Sen Introduces “What Is Systemic Racism?” Video Series

Let’s watch this video series and give it some thought, some pause, some reflection.

From our friends at racialjustice.

Watch: Nobel Economist Destroys 35-years of Trickle-Down Reaganomics in Two Minutes


In this clip, Nobel-prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz is asked whether there is really such a thing as the “American Dream”, and his answer a damning indictment of our “failed system” of trickle-down Reaganomics that has left workers out in the cold while coddling billionaires and large corporations.

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ThinkProgress: Alabama Lawmakers Vote To Bring Back the Electric Chair

From ThinkProgress:

The Alabama House passed a bill this week that would allow the state to once again put people to death by electric chair if the currently low supply of lethal injection drugs runs out or if the Supreme Court places limits on which drugs can be used to execute inmates in a case currently pending before the justices.

The vote came just days after a majority Utah’s legislature approved a bill to bring back the practice of executing people by firing squad. Other states are debating the merits of using gas chambers.

After the European Union banned exports of drugs used to kill human beings in 2011, states have been scrambling to find a reliable supply, often turning to secret, poorly regulated sources.

These bills to revive older methods of execution were proposed following a series ofbotched executions in which inmates suffered long and seemingly painful deaths — calling into question whether the drugs are as effective and “humane” as their supporters claimed.

Yet medical experts say the electric chair — which was used for hundreds of years — is an even more torturous and gruesome method of execution. Because the equipment is old and few people know how to operate it, it has often malfunctioned.

How sad. How so terribly sad.

Read more here

Video: Catholics Call For Full Acceptance By The Catholic Church

“It’s just not a matter of accepting us, or tolerate us, you have to encourage us to be who we are. We are God’s creation. And to deny that is to deny that he knows what the hell he’s doing.”
– 74-year-old Mike Roper 

Please, please, watch this video.

As one of the voices in the video says, we are Catholic because we are baptized. If we abandon the Church, it may never change.

Talk about courage

Talk about hope.

h/t to the

Ted Nugent Tells Native American Protesters To ‘Go Back Where They Came From’

Any conservatives following or supporting Ted Nugent must take pause.



After a group of Native Americans protested outside a concert by Ted Nugent, the late-1970s rocker verbally lashed out, calling them “stinkyass unclean dipshIt protestors” and calling for Native Americans to be “rounded up and shipped back to wherever they came from!”


The article goes on to say that a reporter pointed out that Native Americans occupied North America “10,000 years before whites.”

Point that a bit higher: it’s actually 25,000-30,000 years, depending on scientific estimates.

Nugent’s response? “Nugent shoved an AK-47 in his face, saying, ‘Shut up, unclean vermin!'” according to the report.

Hey, GOP, he’s your guy. Not ours.

Deceptive Products and Advertising Found in Testing of Supplements

Are you surprised to learn that four out of five supplements tested at Walmart, Walgreens, Target and GNC do not contain the supplements their manufacturers claim?

From the New York Times:

The New York State attorney general’s office accused four national retailers on Monday of selling dietary supplements that were fraudulent and in many cases contaminated with unlisted ingredients.

The authorities said they had run tests on popular store brands of herbal supplements at the retailers — Walmart, Walgreens, Target and GNC — which showed that roughly four out of five of the products contained none of the herbs listed on their labels. In many cases, the authorities said, the supplements contained little more than cheap fillers like rice and house plants, or substances that could be hazardous to people with food allergies.

More here

Park Forest mayoral candidate has an eye for a trustee

Not even sure how we should report this.

According to a current, sitting, trustee in the village of Park Forest, Illinois, a “non-incumbent mayoral” candidate was staring at the sitting trustee for over a minute at a public meeting.

The sitting trustee left this message on Twitter:

So why did a colleague, non-incumbent mayoral candidate, stare at me for better part of a minute, till I returned his glance. #creepy

This message was lifted from the Twitter account of @GaryKopycinski, without his permission.

But, then, Twitter blasts are, by nature, public.

we contacted Kopycinski, to learn only that the strange staring did occur. The person staring? Challenger to the current mayor, Jerome, or JeRome Brown.

Why would a sitting trustee stare at another trustee for such a long time?

Wait. These are election games.

We contacted Mr. Kopycinski for an assessment of what happened.

He said only that, whatever this was about, he had no clue.

We are inclined to believe that Brown stared at Kopycinski for an extended period of time, likely longer than Kopycinski cares to admit.

Some candidates will attempt strange tactics to intimidate challengers, or perceived challengers.

So why did JeRome Brown stare at Kopycinski?