Ask Willard "Mitt" Romney, the (Un-)Artful Dodger, anything? Really?
For those who watched the GOP circular firing squad Saturday night, you may recall Mitt Romney referring to a question about states banning birth control “silly.”
The only thing “silly” was his dodge, as he tried to deny his own state the right to offer birth control in 2005.
Mitt Romney artfully dodged a question about whether states have the right to ban birth control during Saturday’s Republican presidential debate, calling the question “silly” and saying that states wouldn’t want to do that anyway. But as governor of Massachusetts in 2005, Romney took a harder line on contraception, vetoing a widely supported bill that would make the morning-after pill available over the counter in that state and require hospitals to offer emergency contraception to rape victims.
His surprising veto did not stand. The Massachusetts state Senate voted unanimously to overrule it, and the state House voted 139-16 to do the same.
Imagine that.
If he does get the GOP nomination, this multi-millionaire’s record will speak for itself, even as he tries to blow smoke over it.