Governor Quinn is making the right move releasing 1,000 non-violent offenders from prison.
Gov. Quinn Tuesday defended his plan to release up to 1,000 inmates, a step that begins this week and eventually could save the cash-strapped state $5 million a year.
By the end of this week, 62 non-violent offenders who are within a year of their scheduled release dates will be freed in the first wave of Quinn’s early-release initiative.
"We’re going to do this because we do have financial challenges. But at the same time, we’re going to do it in a way that always protects the public," Quinn said during an appearance in Chicago to announce the opening of a new veterans home.
Quinn said those released will be under "constant electronic monitoring" while on parole, and the governor expressed optimism that none of those being set free early will be a threat to society.
"Hopefully they learned their lessons in jail and won’t repeat their crimes," Quinn told reporters.
His administration refused to divulge the names of those in the first wave of early releases.
I don’t think Quinn is acting stupidly, as critics will assert. The key here is "non-violent offenders." Though his reasons ostensibly are influenced by the budget, Quinn gets it. Prison is no place for reform.
Let’s hope the 62 have hit rock bottom, and make this the chance of a lifetime.