When I think about how over-scrupulous I’ve been at times during my life, I have to wonder about the apparent lack of scruples among some pols and certain others in government.
According to the Chicago Sun-Times, Scott Fawell turned on Gov. George Ryan “to save the love of his life,” not because it was the right thing to do.
Well, good for him. Losing any sleep over the six children who were killed in a fiery crash?
Not at all.
Less than a year after his release from the U.S. prison system, Scott Fawell isn’t all that sorry.
Sure, he pleaded guilty and testified against his now-imprisoned ex-boss and mentor, former GOP Gov. George Ryan. But Fawell — Ryan’s onetime chief of staff and campaign manager — says he turned against Ryan to save the woman he loves.
Yes, he understands the public’s perception that the licenses-for-bribes scandal under Ryan led to the deaths of six children in a fiery highway crash. But “do I feel any responsibility?” he says. “No I really don’t.”
And what about all those political friends that Fawell carefully cataloged in lists that the feds seized and used to put Ryan and him away?
They’ve deserted him.
“I’ve been very disappointed in the people that are friends of mine,” Fawell said. “If it was a reverse situation and one of my friends of mine came back, I would have done anything I could to help. You know, that’s friendship. And friendship should go beyond prison.”
Fawell and his co-defendant and fiancée, Andrea Coutretsis, broke six years of silence Wednesday night on WTTW-Channel 11’s “Chicago Tonight.” In a 25-minute interview, they tackled subjects including the despair of leaving their families for prison to the plight of Ryan’s successor, recently indicted ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich, and Blagojevich’s co-defendants.
Kudos to Carol Marin for landing this interview, and for conducting it so eloquently.
You know what? Stick to your scruples. Keep your soul. Whether you believe in a Higher Power or not, you don’t want to rush in where angels fear to tread.