Do you remember him quipping about, “The Have Mores?” It was in a Michael Moore film.
By now we’ve all read the headlines: Bush Denies Congress Access to Former Aides. The Democrats are in an uproar — and I hope they’re joined by more Republicans. “Truth buried will at some point rise,” we wrote the other day. The Wasington Post reports:
President Bush’s move yesterday to block congressional testimony by two former aides provoked immediate condemnations from Democratic lawmakers and escalated a confrontation between the White House and Capitol Hill over the dismissals of nine U.S. attorneys.
White House counsel Fred F. Fielding informed lawmakers in a letter yesterday that Bush was asserting executive privilege for the second time in two weeks regarding requested testimony by former counsel Harriet E. Miers and former political director Sara M. Taylor about the prosecutor firings.
Executive privilege. Well, the president is just wrong:
Mark J. Rozell, a George Mason University political scientist and author of “Executive Privilege,” said the Bush administration’s claim in this case “goes way beyond the proper scope of executive privilege” because it is not limited to specific discussions and amounts to “a blanket prohibition on former aides discussing anything at all.”
Rozell and other legal experts also noted that the White House has little real power to prohibit Miers or Taylor from testifying.
There’s too much smoke here. There must be a fire, somewhere, burning hot. We have a right to know.